Play to Grow

I have started a blog before, but didn’t tell anyone about it. I have started a book, but didn’t tell anyone about it. Now I started a website, and didn’t tell anyone about it. Do you see a pattern? I love to get to know people and find out what makes them tick, but I don’t enjoy people getting to know me. Recently, a friend told me about a new game that she got and played with family members. It is called “We’re Not Really Strangers”. It is a game with questions and it helps you get to know people. I immediately looked it up and ordered it! I was so excited that I ordered the expansion packs all at the same time! When Scott and I are in the car I look up questions for us to both answer. It is like someone took that and made it into a game! So far I have played it with 4 groups of people. I have learned something new every time. The last time that I played it was a couple nights ago. One of the last questions was “What surprised you about me?” I told one of the people that I was surprised how they chose to get into the game and answer questions deep when they could have just said surface level answers. His reply back was because I read the note from the creator that was included in the box. It says “I have found there are 2 ways to play this game: 1. play safe 2. play to grow. The second is how you win” It really hit me. These are the same ways that you can live your life. You either play safe or you play to grow. I thought that I was playing to grow but in reality I was playing it safe. Playing it safe doesn’t look the same to everyone. I might seem like I have been playing to grow, but have I? I don’t like for people to get to know me because then I am vulnerable to them. With that being said, I am going to try to be more vulnerable. I love being crafty and making things so I created this website. My goal is to grow and enjoy the journey. I hope you grow along with me.